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To explore our own unconscious bias
What is unconscious bias? Well it is when we form social stereotypes about people unconsciously & without realising it. These could be judgments in favor or against one thing, person or place.
We need to embrace diversity & be curious of people and things that are different to us. So next time you make a quick judgment about someone, a place or simply choosing a restaurant to eat at, ask yourself what’s influencing your decision? Are you picking that because it’s familiar to you? Be curious!
Create a list of 5 people you trust the most. Note: try not to include family members.
Now next to each person under ‘people I trust’ fill out the following information in each of the columns.
City they live in
3. Take some time to look at the table. Are all the columns the same? Are the people we trust all the same ethnicity, education level and live close to us?
It’s natural that we surround ourselves with likeminded people, we need to accept that stereotypes are part of who we are.
QUESTION and CHALLENGE your opinions and beliefs. Be aware of FIRST IMPRESSION. Actively seek to increase KNOWLEDGE and be CURIOUS