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Tell us about your experience as a Graduate at ResMed.
Joining ResMed as a Graduate Design Engineer has been an enjoyable experience of learning and personal growth. Every day, I am surrounded by talented and friendly people who are incredibly generous with their time and knowledge. I have always been encouraged to ask questions, attend training sessions to grow my professional skillset, and learn about anything within the business that aligns with my interests.
What makes ResMed special to you? Why did you join the Graduate Program?
I first became aware of ResMed when my mum was diagnosed with sleep apnea and started using a ResMed APAP machine. Seeing firsthand the significant impact therapy has on her wellbeing fuelled my aspiration to work at ResMed.
What advice will you give to fellow graduates seeking to find a role at ResMed?
Look out for the job postings early on and don’t miss the deadline like I did… But also, bring your curiosity into every job interview, don’t be afraid to throw out some crazy ideas, and be enthusiastic about making a positive impact through the work you do!
The best thing about being a Graduate at ResMed is….
Having a support network of peers and mentors who empower me to take on new challenges. And knowing that I am part of a team that is passionate and capable of improving sleep for millions of people!